So, I've been in New York for the past fortnight. Swoon. It was a love affair. One sided. Williamsburg for the majority of it. Coney Island for a hideous fraction.
I'm back a changed and motivated woman. I ran out of paper in my notebook, THATS how good it was. After uploading 900 + images, I couldn't help but feel I might have missed my vocation.
I like composition, structure, form and balance. Making a painting out of a picture. Don't worry, I'm not fooling anyone, let alone myself - professional photography is beyond me now (sadly) - but recognising that I can appreciate detail, and pull together a pleasing frame made me think about where I'm going....and where I'm not.
This isnt the Times crossword so I'll spare you the crypticism. Long and short - I'm determined to make this page less of a stranger and something more entertaining/ useful to read. I'm ALL over it. Stay posted.