Monday, 8 November 2010

Spending December's wages in November.

Sucks. Thanks Holly Fulton. And you ASOS. Stop winking at me please.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Oh Jacob.

Best birthday ever.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Getting older abroad.

This weekend, me & @lucymaclondon are going to

to celebrate the ageing process and see dribble all over these beautiful creatures.

We're gonna eat a ton of

and drink copious volumes of

and despite our best efforts, probably end up smoking some licorice rollies in an attempt to look like Mia Farrow

We'll spend a lot of time talking shit and drinking tea outdoors (if the weather permits)

and may end up at the Moulin.

We'll get all ambitious and try to ride bikes around the city without incident. We'll invariably look awkward and clumsy, but in our minds we'll look just like...


On my way to pick up a baguette, I'll bump into Romain Duris and he will declare his undying love for me. Oh. Out loud again?...

A bientot mon amis!!x

Late night browsing.

(and he has a Francois Niely in his fucking lounge. GAHH!)